1,000 amazing world facts



Dive into a world of mind-blowing facts that may defy belief, but they are all absolutely true!

Can you believe the Eiffel Tower would fit inside a Sahara sand dune? Wow your friends and amaze your family with hundreds of new facts in this fun-filled, picture-packed bumper book for children aged 9+.

1,000 Amazing World Facts contains striking images, visual comparisons, and informative diagrams in one unforgettable journey around the world. From the tiniest microchip to our unimaginably enormous Universe, no subject is left unexplored.

Celebrate your child’s curiosity as they explore:

– 1,000 mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends.
– CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.
– Science boxes that are illustrated with engaging diagrams to explain information.

Did you know that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times? Or the blue whale’s heart is as big as a car? Children will love all these facts and more, presented either with impressive CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand.

More in the Series

If you like 1,000 Amazing World Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts, learn about all things weird and wonderful with 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts, or discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts.

ISBN: 9780241656969

In stock

If anything in this book doesn’t quite ring true, you’d better start believing! This irresistible page-turner will keep your eyes popping and your jaws dropping from start to finish. Did you know that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1000 times? Can you believe the Eiffel Tower would fit inside a Sahara sand dune? Or the blue whale’s heart is as big as a car and the colossal squid has eyes the size of beach balls? All this and much, much more is at your fingertips. Astounding images, inspiring visual comparisons, and informative graphics combine in one unforgettable journey around the world.

Additional information

Weight0.409 kg
Dimensions22.9 × 15.1 × 0.1 cm









031.02 (edition:23)


Children – juvenile / Code: J

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